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Škoda 3V0837974 ; 3V0035411B ; RIGHT / 3V0837974, 3V0035411B, RIGHT SUPERB III Estate (3V5) 2015 Tweeter Front
Used product - may have external defects (dents, scratches); however, it is ready to use according to its purpose. A warranty for a used item is provided; however, a period of this warranty is not defined. Item can be returned with compliance to terms and conditions stated in the ONLINE BUY-SELL AGREEMENT.
Drive position RHD
Attributes Front
Color --
Color code --
Manufacturer Škoda
Model SUPERB III Estate (3V5)
Type1.6 TDI
Adres biura : 1 Maja 1/1, 16-400 Suwałki, Polska ( zwroty paczek nie będą przyjmowane )